A murderer , the royal family and career retirement Initialization : Generation Y can really have it all ?

Women may be inadvertently make it even more difficult to plan future retirement than it already is . Why you ask ? family

More and more women are delaying having children , especially college-educated women . According to the latest survey by the National Center for Health Statistics , the rate of women having babies in their late 20 decreased by 2 % since 2008 , while rates for older age groups increases. In 2012 , the birth rate among women aged 35 to 39 increased by 2 % . The birth rate for women between 40 and 44 years increased by 2 % between 2000 and 2011 .

Women may have good reasons to delay having children .
family According to Elizabeth Gregory , author of " Ready: Why Women are turning to new motherhood later, " some of the reasons women delay childbearing include: Women

They want to achieve their own personal and financial goals first
They have more confidence in themselves and are better able to transfer the skills for raising children and running a household
They have greater financial stability
They are married " equal " , which has the same level of education and work experience , so he or she can also help in the home

All these reasons make sense ! Any reason that contributes to be a better parent and create an ideal environment for raising children is welcome.

However, there may be unforeseen financial consequences of waiting. Here are two examples :

1) Delay pregnancy may be more expensive .
family There is no guarantee that you can imagine when you want , regardless of age , but in the meantime you can have a harder time . Women grow up , have fewer eggs. According to a 2010 study by the University of St. Andrews and Edinburgh University in Scotland , when women reach the age of 30, who lost 90 % of their remaining eggs and only 3% at 40 years. Women who delay having children may need help to conceive. Women Consultations fertility and resistance exercises could face hundreds of dollars in vitro fertilization can cost $ 10,000 to $ 12,000 and get pregnant with a donated egg can run over $ 20,000. (However , always check with your insurance company to find out what services may be covered . ) Women

2) The timing of the major expenses of your child and their retirement savings could disagree .
family By waiting to have children, may be preparing for failure to retire at a reasonable age . A couple who has a child at age 25 would see who graduate from high school child when parents are 43 years old. As I said in a previous blog , 50 , years of expensive school would be behind them and focus on the retirement front of them. family However, delaying the delivery of 35 sets graduating high school when parents are in their 50s and college nearly 60 years. This means that as soon as the parents want to see a light at the end of the tunnel for retirement, still focus on getting your kids to college . Women

Obviously , many women feel that the biological clock is ticking , so it is important for any woman who wants to have a family to look to the future in terms of how it could have an impact on the family finances . Here are some ways to set a goal for happiness and success :

Plan your career with a future family in mind. Ladies, if you want to find the man of your dreams , do not spend the weekend in a convent. In all seriousness , think about social relationships and career progression in their life project . The daughter of a friend of mine ( who wants to go anonymous ) intends to apply to medical school .
family The road to becoming a doctor is the time you want to get married and start a family at age 30 , he realized that his best chance to do is meet her future husband while she is in medical school . She hopes to be admitted to medical school in a large metropolitan area , which has a wide social network , we hope to give you a better chance of getting his medical degree and find love along the way. Women

Do not wait until life is perfect for children. As a couple , you have some financial stability of a family , one of you should have a job , health insurance and at least three months of net savings as an emergency fund ( six months building along next year ) .
family And, while having children is expensive, there are ways to save on high-priced furniture - like a hand - me-down or second hand strollers and high chairs. Check discount retailers like Old Navy , Ross and TJ Maxx children's clothing . Women

When my children were small , I've traveled all over the area on Saturday morning garage sales, where parents and grandparents were selling clothes gently used children , toys and other items for pennies . I found picnic tables , bicycles, high chairs and strollers - all sorts of objects that looked new , but I had the new price. Today, many sites offer second-hand clothes and many areas have mothers groups that facilitate the exchange of what you do not want .

Turn . If you and your partner want to college and both want to have a family , start your family and wait their turn to get their higher education. If you want to have everything , you may be able to, but do it in stages.

Consider part-time solution . When I have children at an early age , you can work part-time when they are babies and toddlers , you can speed up full time when you do not need so much physically.
career Your children may need help and advice when they are 10 or 12 years, but can dress , feed and bathe ! Even at home could help with basic tasks. Part-time work allows him to remain in the workforce , keeping up with technological changes and maintaining business relationships network so you can go full-time when you and your family are prepared . Women

Kick his career at full speed later. As the saying goes , " 50 is the new 40 " and "40 is the new 30 . " I think I have tons of energy in my 50 years old to work full-time writing , playing flute with a choir and learn skiing.
Women If you have children early in life and managing your home and your career on the road , you may have many years to contribute to the field as a professional 40 years. have children before you to have that balance you may want in your life. Front loading of your life with the children rather than the reverse . Women

Not everyone is ready to have children in 20 years for a variety of reasons. If you are not ready , at least pretend that you are financially ! You can save for retirement as soon as possible , knowing that they can pay for college for their children in the 50s. Start a savings plan for their future children today . Allocate investment dollars for college, or open a Registered Education Savings 529 and get a diet or your partner as a beneficiary (which may change later his son ) .

If you think you might want a better balance between work and life in the future , consider another point of view . The reconciliation of life and having children may be a chimera . However, before loading your life for your family .
career By starting early , you can have a lot of balance in the beginning, but could be compensated later with children outside the home and school when you're 50 . Women
Nancy L. Anderson , CFP ™ is a financial planner with Learn Vest tax planning services and a blogger of Deer Valley Ski Resort . Company website is Learn Vest.com ( Retire50 discount code ) . Follow Nancy on Facebook - Twitter.

The opinions expressed are those of the authors and may not be the point of view of planning Learn Vest Services LLC ( " LVPS "), a registered investment advisor .
career The advice is not personalized investment advice may not be appropriate for your personal situation are not guarantees of future performance and may differ materially from actual events that occur . The author and high payouts are not supporting , sponsoring or responsible for any errors or inaccuracies by third parties and links referenced in the document in which the author draws reasonably unaffiliated sources . Women career

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